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Playing a small gig at the Carriage House - Governor's Mansion Denver, Colorado
Playing a small gig at the Carriage House - Governor's Mansion Denver, Colorado
Little Bird at Loretto, gallery gig with Stanlie Kee, Britt Alexander, and David Lee Rodrigues
Little Bird at Loretto, gallery gig with Stanlie Kee, Britt Alexander, and David Lee Rodrigues
Playing at a jam at El Foral, in Santa Fe, NM. April 2, 2013
Playing at a jam at El Foral, in Santa Fe, NM. April 2, 2013
Taken at the Native Guitars Tour with the Jir Project and The Plateros. In the photo from the band are Stanlie Kee and David Lee Rodriguez
Taken at the Native Guitars Tour with the Jir Project and The Plateros. In the photo from the band are Stanlie Kee and David Lee Rodriguez
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